Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Well, nuts (and no, that's not what I really want to write)!

Just got a call from UHG regarding a position they offered to me last week. The salary they offered last week was 7.5% less than my last permanent position, and 14.5% less than my last contract position. I asked for a 3.75% increase in the salary component, all other things remaining equal.

They didn't call Monday, so I left a message on Tuesday asking for them to call. They didn't call Tuesday, so I left another message for them today asking for a call. They called at 5:10 PM to advise they were withdrawing the offer!

And I got a call earlier today from an agency in TX advising that they had nothing definitive to tell me about an offer extended by a company in Oklahoma City over two months ago. They could not definitively say even that the offer had dissolved -- only that it wasn't yet in writing.

So although I've had lots and lots of great interviews, I have no real possibilities on the table and it is frustrating - and scaring - the snot out of me! We've done a pretty good job of using a lot of our overdraft protection, so I'm going to have to transfer that balance to a lower-interest credit card in order to stay afloat. We should be good for a couple of months before we'd have to start making emergency withdrawals from our retirement savings (401k).

So here are some lessons for you, readers: number 1, and most important, because this is what got me into this situation in the first place: do not, I repeat, DO NOT ever resign from a position without first signing a contract to take another position as of a specific date.

Secondly, take recommendations in job searching guides regarding negotiating salary with a huge grain of salt. The offer I got last week was 7.5% lower than my last permanent position, and over 14% lower than my last contract position, and I asked them to increase only the salary by 3.75%. They withdrew the offer rather than discuss it.

So keep praying for us. We need and covet your prayers.

Best regards,

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hi there. Happy New Year.

Kids and I went to California for a few days last week, mostly to visit family but I was able to sneak in a couple business calls while there.

Had a great time -- till the day we flew home and I lost my camera on BART. If you find it, I'm offering a reward. It's a Kodak DX7630 with a 512MB card in it. Had all of the photos of the week including my son playing piano with my mom, a family reunion with 24 people attending, Jelly Belly factory tour, etc.

I subscribe to a daily reminder service called Simpleology. They've asked me to include the following on my post; here it is for your review:

I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.
  • How to get traffic to your blog.
  • How to turn your blog into money.

I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.

Hope all is well; I haven't had much time to blog as I've been beating the bushes trying to drum up business. I'll keep you posted on developments.

Blessings to all.