Sunday, April 19, 2009

We're in Des Moines, now, the kids and I. Rolled in Friday night about 7:45 or so. Watched a movie while eating frozen (well, cooked, but not ordered out) pizza. Saturday called Mom and talked with her awhile - she's busy working on cleaning the house - then went to the Science Center (glad they have a reciprocal agreement with Science Museum of MN - kids had a BLAST!) and hung out at the mall awhile. Came back to the apt to do some spelling bee stuff and art work - Brennan is excellent at freehand stuff. Maura spelled probably 30 words, sounding each one out, and had great fun. Watched Monsters Inc, talked to aunt Barbara and Grandma H on the phone.

Back home Sunday - meeting Mom at the half-way point, maybe grab a little something to eat, then the kids and Mom go home and I'll be back in Des Moines for another work week.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Went to donate blood today - I had too much fat in my plasma. They had to stop me after a half hour (of a 2 hr appt) because they wouldn't be able to use my blood!

Never heard of such a thing. Must've been the ice cream last night, and the goulash and Greek salad today.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Marriage and Parenting

Just a quick post:
In marriage, sometimes you just feel like throwing your hands up in the air and proclaiming, "I can't win!"

Forget about winning. Don't try to win. Winning implies there's someone else who isn't winning.

Instead think about succeeding. There's enough room for everyone in a family to succeed.

See ya next time.