Well, nuts (and no, that's not what I really want to write)!
Just got a call from UHG regarding a position they offered to me last week. The salary they offered last week was 7.5% less than my last permanent position, and 14.5% less than my last contract position. I asked for a 3.75% increase in the salary component, all other things remaining equal.
They didn't call Monday, so I left a message on Tuesday asking for them to call. They didn't call Tuesday, so I left another message for them today asking for a call. They called at 5:10 PM to advise they were withdrawing the offer!
And I got a call earlier today from an agency in TX advising that they had nothing definitive to tell me about an offer extended by a company in Oklahoma City over two months ago. They could not definitively say even that the offer had dissolved -- only that it wasn't yet in writing.
So although I've had lots and lots of great interviews, I have no real possibilities on the table and it is frustrating - and scaring - the snot out of me! We've done a pretty good job of using a lot of our overdraft protection, so I'm going to have to transfer that balance to a lower-interest credit card in order to stay afloat. We should be good for a couple of months before we'd have to start making emergency withdrawals from our retirement savings (401k).
So here are some lessons for you, readers: number 1, and most important, because this is what got me into this situation in the first place: do not, I repeat, DO NOT ever resign from a position without first signing a contract to take another position as of a specific date.
Secondly, take recommendations in job searching guides regarding negotiating salary with a huge grain of salt. The offer I got last week was 7.5% lower than my last permanent position, and over 14% lower than my last contract position, and I asked them to increase only the salary by 3.75%. They withdrew the offer rather than discuss it.
So keep praying for us. We need and covet your prayers.
Best regards,
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